05.11 Totals By Prog Payment Code

Barnestorm Office > Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.11 Totals By Prog/PACode

How To Run the Report

o  From / Thru = These are the transaction dates you want to include on the report (payments, write offs, ect).  If you are running the report for the current month be sure to go through the end of the month (ex, if the current month is March of 2014 make the thru date 3/31/14)
o  Program(s) / Payer(s) = Filter report by entering program or payer numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.
o  Pay/Adj Code(s) =  If you only want to include select payment/adjustment codes then you can enter the three digit code(s) here.  Separate them with a comma.  Or leave blank to select all.  
o  Year/Month From and Thru = These are the billing months you want to include (only an option for Format 1)

How to Read the Report

Format 1- Applied to Before/During/After - combines all months together 

o  Includes option to also include Amount Billed, Payments Only, RAP Cancel Rebill, All Adjustments. 
o  Applied to A/R Before = AR balance before the Year/Month billing dates you select to run
o  Applied to [Mo/Yr - Mo/Yr] = Transactions dated during the From and Thru date you selected AND during the Year/Month From and Thru dates for billing you selected.
o  Applied to A/R After [Mo/Yr] = Transactions dated during the From and Thru dates you selected BUT it applies to billing dates after the Year/Month Thru date. 

Format 2 - Each month on a separate line

o  Year/Month Billed = Month of the amount billed or month the payment applied to. Must fall within the From and Thru dates.
o  Total Received = The amount of payment/adjustment.  If you also want the amount billed to print you must check the Include Amount Billed checkbox.